Monday, January 25, 2016

Mesothelioma Treatment Method

A person who often work where i containing many harmful substances must be to be affected. Although is just a few a chemical substance when inhaled are constantly being of course it would be very dangerous once for health. For example just a person who often worked closely with fibers asbestos. Is if cursory will not happens, but if continues to be left and they not keeping health, as a result health disturbed and to make things worse will cause disease cancer or mesothelioma that can kill anytime.

Mesothelioma or lung cancer usually affects the chest, protective membrane that surrounds the lungs, the heart or the abdominal cavity, and of course very dangerous. Have thousands of cases of death due to mesothelioma in this world, unfortunately, there are still many the state of being using asbestos to construction building. Although ban the use of asbestos have been over announce in many countries, but sales asbestos imports and export there are still many we found. Usually the impact of from inhaling asbestos can felt after 20 or 30 years, but there is good we are does not need to wait to can feel it. There are some types of a treatment for people with mesothelioma, and this time we to deal with it.

  1. Do Surgery
  2. Radiation
  3. Chemotherapy
  4. Acupuncture
  5. Herbs

Do Surgery

Perform surgery on cancer surgeon currently become less trusted because the level of his success that small. Sometimes although cancer successfully cells will grow again. Even one who performs surgically can only survive for less than 12 months or a year and that is very risky.


Radiation often given in conjunction with chemotherapy. With a record of these diseases still mentolelir radical operation. So that radioasi can be used as for the treatment of konsolidatif in the aftermath of the dissection. Do chemotherapy and radiation when after doing surgery would be increase life expectancy of patients. But the side effects of his very heavy once and was badly injured.


Chemotherapy is treatment for illness mesothelioma has been proven able to increase survival many patients. Patients who originally can only survive less than 12 months can survive for 13 more months.


The acupuncture treatment is a lot of demand, because it has been shown to relieve the symptoms associated with mesothelioma. Such as shortness of breath, pain, anxiety, and depression.


Some plants which can overcome or precaution against cancer was astragalus, celandine, mistletoe, claw paint and vitamin c. The plant is very powerful to increase endurance.

That is some the type of medication for patients with mesothelioma, quite a lot of its kind, but many stating that is yet found treatment very powerful, and of course is very harmful! I hope treatment powerful to mesothelioma can be found. And for those of you who do not want to be stricken by mesothelioma, it is better you to abstain you from asbestos, or make do asbestos removal if there are building material asbestos in your house .Love your health, and success for all of us!


Many people confused about mesothelioma, so if you feel the same, then i will trying to help you. If you have questions even a simple question, just send your words via the comments below, share knowledge is the funnest thing, if you may know a lot about mesothelioma, i hope you want to share with me through this blog or through my email

I just want to remember that mesothelioma disease which is very dangerous! and all that caused by exposure to dust asbestos. Asbestos is the danger non- popular so i think the need education about it, i know page asbestos on wikipedia can help you but maybe you need the other side of the answer. Thank you and success for all of us!


Hi friend, my name is dominic, i make this blog because i want to share everything i know about mesothelioma, especially in the Australian. Here i will discuss details about mesothelioma important, starting from cause mesothelioma, a preventive manner mesothelioma, and diagnosis mesothelioma.

This blog will to provide information that is really accurate, where mesothelioma this is not a disease which the ordinary course! then of course require the information really good! many blog to discuss the mesothelioma, but this time it so let me give you an article that is easy to you understand and of course is not boring.

Early my interest in mesothelioma is when parents of my friend died from mesothelioma, i when it had no knowledge of mesothelioma, was surprised, when know the disease derived from asbestos, and made me very surprised, when considering that in australia there are still many settlement construction use of asbestos, starting from the roof, the wall, tile, and many more.

I hope this blog, will be more many people australia concerned with danger asbestos could result mesothelioma, although Australia has announced ban the use of asbestos, but import asbestos from china there are still many found, and still a lot of buildings like a industry, or houses that old enough, still use many construction asbestos.

Let us all to action to fight danger asbestos which has been many injurious people! If not us, so who else? We save our generation! Although risk affected by mesothelioma need years, but do we need to wait to regard what we do not want? We leave asbestos from our lives, safe your health, your family , and we safe australia from mesothelioma attack! Successful for all of us!